Sunday, February 7, 2010

Paddington visits Bellingham

My sister recently sent me a Paddington Bear doll that she purchased for me in London. As soon as I took him out of the mailer, he asked to be given a home, so I obliged.
Of course, as soon as he saw how nice it was, he wanted to go outside, so again, I obliged.
It came as no surprise when Paddington then asked, once we were outside, if he might take his marmalade sandwich to the park.
There's just no saying "no" to Paddington Bear.

Inspired by this.


Zach said...

So incredible, B.

I often stop myself and cannot figure out how I am lucky enough to be close friends with so many brilliant and talented people.

Your vision of the world makes the rest of ours a little brighter.

Caitlin said...

I am jealous of your ability to draw trees!

hannah banana said...


Chelsea said...

Wow. That is amazing!

Frida said...

What on earth was Michelle doing in London?

K A R I™ said...

That is just awesome.... Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley?

you know who said...

i am in love with this.