I recently read a post on another blog about the dangers of only seeing what someone wants you to see, of only viewing the lovely moments and assuming that someone else's life must be so much better (based on a blog) than your own. The blog went on to recount some of the less than "bloggable" bits of the day and I was so charmed, and so relieved, that I thought it might be nice to do the same for this space, because even though there are lots of daffodils and strawberries and yogurt around this place, there are other, less advertisable bits that are just as much a part of who I am:
- Last night I begged Andrew to go to the store and find Cupcake Pebbles cereal after seeing an advertisement in a magazine. Although the box describes the sparkly pebbles as being a "wholesome, sweetened rice ceareal," I can assure you that the word "wholesome" is stretching it. That said, I love it - in all it's sickly sweet, tacky glory, and I am enjoying a cup of amazing french press coffee and eating it dry, straight from the box, for breakfast.
- OnStar commercials make me cry. We only watch tv shows on Hulu, so that's the only time I see commercials, but without fail, every time, they make me cry. I would really like to be one of those operators - it's on my secret job-want list.
- Speaking of my secret job-want list, I'd also really like to work on QVC. Fake nails, tons of makeup, big hair, naming every caller sweetie, and saying "bless your heart" when they tell me how much they love seeing me on air, all while measuring jewelery on close-up shots and alerting everyone that I've already purchased three of the items myself for Christmas gifts - fantastic.
- There is a very good chance that I will eat four pieces of cinnamon toast for lunch today because it was such a good lunch yesterday.
- There is a pile of dishes in the sink that I've been promising myself for the last two days that I will wash to surprise Andrew (he normally does the dishes). Instead, I've been using that time to play our old Nintendo - yelling at Mario just seems that important.
your honesty is refreshing. hope you have a good weekend.
Wait, how was this supposed to make me assume your life was somehow less awesome than the way you "normally" present it on here? :)
Wow...I am so used to facebook that I went to go click the "Like" button and realized there wasn't one. With that, I like the little reality tidbits. Also inspiring.
I'll have to agree with Chels on that one. The amazing thing is that you manage to turn the moment of eating a horribly disgusting-sounding cereal :) into something beautiful. And I love that.
My goodness I miss you. And now I want, neh, NEED those Cupcake pebbles.
I am with you on crying at onstar commercials and secretly wanting to be one of the operators
Because I read this after your most recent one, I, for some reason, thought for a second that you had crunched up your cereal to put in your meatballs. Wonder what would happen if you used sickly-sweet crunchies instead of breadcrumbs.
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