It keeps falling, the powdery white snow that's draping our city in white. Andrew and I both have the day off, so we're taking a "snow day" replete with biscuits from scratch, Christmas movies on VHS, windows studded with lights, carols from the record player rescued from the dumpster earlier this week, candy canes, hot chocolate with marshmallows, naps, spiced cider, Christmas cookies, reading, and, of course, coffee.
Andrew got home from work at about 2:45 this morning and, as usual, I woke up to the sound of his keys in the door. In the early morning, the blanket of snow seems almost magical, covering a silent, sleepy city, people hopefully resting warmly in their beds. From inside our apartment, through windows trimmed with small, colorful lights, and a tree, glowing with tradition, I almost forgot about the stresses snow can bring with it, because really, nothing is quite as beautiful as watching a snowflake flitting along in the wind only to take a sharp turn towards you, resting on the glass between you and the outside as if to say, "Hello!"
I've decided to take today off from the worries, or to try to at least, and enjoy all the best parts of the season so that when it's over, I won't regret the time I wasted on things, I know Mom, I know, that I can't control. There is really so much goodness in childhood ornaments hung on your first live tree, little gifts tucked secretly into your books by a visiting mom, tiny stitches and soft, velvet ribbon, a husband brings home small, thoughtful treats from work, a stack of library books and the time with which to read them.
The first quarter of grad school felt like it flew by, and still somehow, I feel certain at times that I aged five years in the process. I'm thankful for its completion, and for its success, not just the grades, but the process of getting through, of figuring things out, of asking myself what it is that matters to me and giving that my best.
For kicks, here are a few more shots, of the tree, of Dorothy, my most favorite ornament growing up, and really, my most favorite ornament now. When you pull her string, her arms and legs kick out like she's so excited she can't stand it anymore and she just has to jump! jump! jump! Sometimes, when I look at her, at my hand, the same hand, but bigger, that's been pulling that string and giggling at her actions for all these years, I want to jump too. Actually, I just might.

I like the doll with the red string hanging from her privates.
I know, I know. I'm a 13-year-old boy at heart. I couldn't resist saying that.
I was thinking about the Christmas with the Bee Bee gun and new shoes when you laughed at me for stepping in poo until you realized you had stepped in it too!!! LOVE YOU!!!
Send us some snow....
record player!
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