Thursday, January 29, 2009

27 things to do before I turn 28

  1. Write at least 3 new stories.
  2. Learn more about my camera.
  3. Ride my bike to school.
  4. Show my sister around Bellingham.
  5. Visit Seattle (I mean really, we're so close).
  6. Learn how to bind books (with cloth).
  7. Fill my sketchbook.
  8. Take more pictures with my film camera.
  9. Develop all the rolls of film sitting around the apartment.
  10. Master a great chocolate chip cookie recipe.
  11. Take the train to Portland.
  12. Mail all the packages accumulating on my desk.
  13. Publish my new blog.
  14. Go camping with Andrew (he doesn't think I can do it).
  15. Watch Star Wars to see what all this hype is about.
  16. Write a song.
  17. Eat breakfast everyday (seriously, this might be the toughest one).
  18. Sew a new outfit for myself.
  19. Send out the thank you cards from our wedding.  Please don't judge me.
  20. Write a story for Mr. B.
  21. Save enough money to buy a bed.
  22. Volunteer locally.
  23. Read a book with Andrew.
  24. Be patient enough to let Andrew teach me to use resin.
  25. Write a letter each week.
  26. Learn French (again).
  27. Submit at least 20 entries to the caption contest in The New Yorker magazine.


Choppyrocks said...

So, I've got every Star Wars movie if you actually do come around to it. Start with the original (episode IV) and not with the new trilogy.

Me said...

I love this picture of you. And I must say... Your hair looks very good. I love the little bit of bangs you have going on. miss you.

Anonymous said...

#14 - I will not judge, but I will pray. :-) You have given me a great idea. Thanks!

hannah banana said...

I have a personal investment in #11. The fact that you have never been to Powell's is a travesty. Get down here!

Kirsten said...

You look so awesome in this picture! I like the idea of this list and think I will do one as well.

Anonymous said...

i love the list. i can't believe i have missed all of these entries.