Thursday, November 27, 2008

Getting Ready

"From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever gods may be
That no life lives for ever;
That dead men rise up never;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea."
-Algernon Charles Swinburne, from "The Garden of Prosperine


K A R I™ said...

Did you make that wreath?

P.S. It's awesome!

Yellow said...

Thank you Kari, I did make it. I really wanted a wreath when we were out the other day and I thought it would be fun to make one - of course, we had no green paper, so I pulled some of my favorite magazine pictures/articles from recent issues, and cut leaf shapes and wired them together. I have to say, I wanted to give up a thousand times, but now I'm kind of smitten with the outcome.