Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day Dreaming, or Evening Dreaming

It's been a busy day of reading, student- paper- commenting, class prepping, and, oh, yes, a grad class of my own. Andrew forced me to take a break for dinner and very kindly went to get sushi from our favorite spot so I couch stay crumpled on the couch and still enjoy an avocado roll. I'm evening dreaming of the three day weekend coming up, and hoping there's a latte and a bar of dark chocolate as good as the one pictured above (from Stumptown in the Ace Hotel). There will be school work of course, but I've also got my sights set on a thrifting with Andrew, maybe a rainy walk or two, some more bread and jam, a chocolate cherry cola cake, and, for good measure, roasted vegetables with goat cheese. For now, I think I'll convince Andrew to watch an episode of The Commish before bed. Oh yes, I do love that show.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Three day weekends are what sustained me in grad school. There's something about having a Monday off that improves the whole week!

PS - I'm coming to see your office today. Maybe even you.